Stop Trying to Create a Perfect Knowledge Management System

Blindly following someone else’s system won’t lead you anywhere

Prakash Joshi Pax
3 min readNov 23, 2022
Create a perfect knowledge management system

It’s easy to be enticed by the system other people use to manage their knowledge, especially if you are a beginner. You get overwhelmed seeing the complex systems other people use.

You desire to have a similar system to manage your knowledge. But the thing you don’t realize is that they have been using the system for years, and some even decades. They started with a simple system but evolved into something that looks complex.

They have earned the complexity.

If you are a beginner in note-taking and personal knowledge management space, don’t try to copy some complex system. Instead, follow these two steps:

Get right about why you are Creating a Knowledge Management System

If you don’t have a reason for taking notes, the process will feel like a chore after a few weeks. You will be frustrated with managing your system.

You don’t need to have a clear aim for what your purpose is. Even a vague one will work. But at least have one. Because without ‘Why’, note-taking will feel aimless.



Prakash Joshi Pax

Avid Reader| Writer| Observer| On a journey to be a Better Self| If you follow, you will never feel hollow. Writings on PKM • Tools • Personal Growth • Money