New Obsidian Plugins: Painter, TimeKeep, Vault Explorer, & More

Plugins to elevate your Obsidian experience

Prakash Joshi Pax
5 min readMay 21, 2024

Welcome to another edition of the Obsidian Community Plugin series. Here we showcase the latest and most useful plugins for the powerful note-taking app, Obsidian.

As Obsidian’s community continues to thrive and expand, new plugins are added every day.

These plugins add new features, streamline workflows, and cater to diverse user needs, making Obsidian even more versatile and user-friendly.

In this article, we’ll be highlighting some of the most recent and noteworthy additions to the Obsidian ecosystem. Let’s dive in.\


If you use Obsidian Canavs a lot, you will find this useful. This plugin helps you convert any canvas note into a linear structured single note.

This plugin is an implemention of the jsoncanvas that was released a while back.

What this plugin does is, it takes all the elements from your canvas, including cards, notes, images, and videos, and arranges them in a linear structure. This makes it easy to turn your complex idea or project into a single document.



Prakash Joshi Pax

Avid Reader| Writer| Observer| On a journey to be a Better Self| If you follow, you will never feel hollow. Writings on PKM • Tools • Personal Growth • Money